Friday, March 6, 2009

Southwest Script Deciphered

Dear Jim -I wrote to Donal Buchanan about the tablet as he is the expert in Southwest Iberic.Can you post what he wrote to me? Maybe someone can send him a good photo of the stone. Thanks, Zena (Zena Halpern)

Dear Zena,

The photo they show at the top is usually the one I told you was Almodovar III (known and deciphered by me years ago and published in 1991 as a supplement to ESOP volume 20/2 (see my Decipherment of Southwest Iberic). I successfully deciphered 43 of the stones. They are sepulchral and the language is Common Celtic with cognates from Greek and Latin and already, in some cases, moving towards Portugese. They are not as early as supposed (other scholars have said 400-200 BC). It is my contention (principally based on the language used) that most of the Iberic inscriptions in Spain and Portugal (a version of this script appears in East Central Spain and has been deciphered by me and published in ESOP) fall within a period from 200 BC to 200 AD; and the inscriptions of SW Portugal may be rather late, perhaps dating between 100 and 200 AD. I spent something like 30 years working on the Iberic scripts and feel that I was successful in solving the SW inscriptions. I look forward to seeing this new stone. The picture you sent with your message does show it (way down the page) and you cannot see the inscription because the chap who is pointing it out for the photographer is in the way. I need to see a good photo of the whole stone and/or a graphic. I'll keep looking through the Internet till I find it. Meanwhile, as I told you, Zena, I will now tell your friends. I can provide The Decipherment of SW Iberic in .pdf format on CD for $15 plus $5 postage and handling (total $20; check to be made out to The Epigraphic Society; a snailmail address will be needed (international shipping will be higher, depending on where it is going). Also available are CDs containing volumes 1-15 and volumes 16-25 for $50 each plush shipping and handling and a DVD containing volumes 1-25 for $100 plus shipping and handling. Volume 26 of ESOP is out and available now (paper copy) for $40 plus s/h.Thank you, Zena. I have sent this to all your correspondents so they can be as well-informed as you are.
All the best,
Donal B. Buchanan
Secy/Treasurer, The Epigraphic Society
Editor, ESOP

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